Top 5 Tips for Using Dietary Supplements

In the hasty life and schedules of today, none of us follow proper diet or its plan. The deficiency caused due to improper diet intake leads to the requirement of the dietary supplements. Use of dietary supplements varies according to the body type, and thus every dietary supplement is not safe for every individual. Also, the amount of intake differs and so is necessary to get some important tips before using these dietary supplements, below mentioned are the following

  1. Know yourself  The best way to start any dietary supplement is to know your body, its requirements and don’ts. You can calculate your body mass index and accordingly you can choose dietary supplements. Above all, you can monitor your body obviously better than others, so just check whether the food you are taking is sufficient for you or not. Also, if you are doing any strenuous exercise daily, you can take dietary supplements as your body needs more.
  2. Never regularize your supplement  Addiction of anything is not good, and so is with the dietary supplements. Therefore, prefer to take whole grain food rather than having its supplements. Also, supplements are never substituted of foods; hence try not to skip meals anyways.
  3. Choose vitamin as per your age and gender  Different supplements are made up for different age groups and genders too. All required from you is to choose the right supplement as per your age and gender. For example – There are vitamins for older people that give them strength to stay healthy and fight with diseases; similarly there are vitamins for kids that help them in growing. Also, supplement intake differs on the basis of gender; like female requires vitamins, which actually help them in keeping themselves healthy pre and post menopause and delivering a healthy baby. Similarly, for males there are vitamins that increase their stamina to do strenuous work.

  4. Consult your dietician or health advisor  Never start taking any sort of diet supplement without any guidance or expert advice. Check for the pros and cons of the dietary supplement and also the best you can take to solve out your purpose. Consultation is necessary as it will drive you in the right direction rather being misguided.

  5. Balance supplement intake with your diet  Neither excess nor deficit of any of the supplement should be followed by you. Every expect to have its own plus and minuses for example, excessive intake of vitamin B6 causes neurological problem, Vitamin A may cause birth defects if taken during pregnancy.

?Follow the tips and stay healthy….!!!!

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