Maintaining Health Of Senior Citizens: Nutritional Needs and Valuable Tips

Getting older is inevitable. Increasing age and decreasing energy and lively countenance are the symptoms of old age which brings many diseases and poor health. Survival becomes tough at this age but can live it to its fullest with the good health by adopting to the right lifestyle and healthy choices. Senior citizens or those adults who are in their 60s or above, need to take special care of their dietary selections. Healthy food intake at this stage of life can mean better management of weight and improved overall well-being. Seniors need to be aware that due to natural degenerative changes in their bodies and nutrition needs, they need to make intelligent choices in food that promotes better overall health.

It is a well-known fact that as we age changes occur in our bodies and these, in turn, affect the way our bodies and even our minds function. We have a slower metabolism, we are more prone to depression, our digestive system is not what it used to be, we tend to gain weight, have failing eyesight and our bones and muscles become weaker. Hence, it is important to make the right dietary choices to maintain optimum health at this stage of our lives.

Choosing the right foods and maintaining a well-balanced diet can improve our immune system, sharpen our minds, prevent or manage health risks better and give us a more happier state of mind.

  • Fruits and vegetables of different colors can provide us with valuable antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.
  • Whole grains are healthier and provide roughage which helps our digestive system
  • Nuts, seeds, lentils provide protein and antioxidants.

  • Eggs, yoghurt, fresh salads, fish and lean meats for Omega 3, calcium and other valuable nutrients.

  • Olive oil or canola oil used for cooking is more healthier and prevent high cholesterol.

  • Avoid sugar, butter, white flour, white rice, foods with hidden sugars and red meats as these foods can aggravate or cause health problems.

  • Cook food using less oil and instead try grilling, sautéing or steaming to persevere vitamins and nutrients.

Cook food using less oil and instead try grilling, sautéing or steaming to persevere vitamins and nutrients.

Seniors face health problems such as diabetes, hypertension, weaker bones and muscles, arthritis, vision problems and so on. A well-balanced diet is crucial to manage these health issues and maintain better health.

Healthier food choices do not mean that the food is not tasty or boring. There are many delicious recipes available online for healthy food and it means making intelligent decisions to protect your health and promote overall well-being in mind and body. Reading food labels, eating smaller portions, having meals on time, staying hydrated by drinking water regularly and getting regular exercise are smart choices that can help us to improve the quality of our lives at this stage.



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